Sunday, August 02, 2015

Daily PUSH Day 2: Goal Setting

Today's task was to set 10 challenging, but specific, goals for the next 12 months. Goals are to be written in the present tense as if they have already happened/are taking place. This is something that will be repeated weekly to see how the goals shift and morph. Here we go, in no particular order:

1. I will weigh 150 pounds and therefore be within Marine Corps BMI standards.
2. I regularly run at a sub 30:00 5K pace.
3. My home is organized and ready for surprise guests.
4. I am in a fulfilling romantic relationship.
5. My credit card debt is paid off.
6. I am consistent in my daily devotions and quiet time with God.
7. I have my ministerial license.
8. I am getting paid to do ministry.
9. I can do 3 pull ups.
10. I do not rely on my snooze button.

How about you? What are some of your goals for the 12 months months? I bet you are closer to them than you think!

Saturday, August 01, 2015

30 Day Push: Day 1

Did ya miss me? I know that I have been remiss in my postings, but then I looked and saw that it has been almost two years! Where does the time go? I guess my lack of posting is evidence of my lack of life balance lately. Something that I really want to get under control. So I took action and picked up Push by Chalene Johnson. I have really enjoyed her personality and energy through PiYo workouts and since I have built up and reinforced some bad habits, I figured she was a good place to start. And since today is August 1, that is an even better time to start.

The task for Day 1 was create a list of priorities and then focus on the top three. Once those are set the real work begins: creating a Top Priority Clarity Statement. Here is mine:

My number-one priority is to live a life of balance in which my emotional, physical, spiritual and mental health is not only stable but growing; this will require intentionality in each of these areas as well as adequate boundaries to ensure that I do not become a victim of circumstance or set myself up for failure; reaching out to a form of support and accountability system and core friends will also be necessary and will also contribute to my emotional, physical, spiritual, and mental well-being.

I am ready to be a better me! Who's with me?