Saturday, August 01, 2015

30 Day Push: Day 1

Did ya miss me? I know that I have been remiss in my postings, but then I looked and saw that it has been almost two years! Where does the time go? I guess my lack of posting is evidence of my lack of life balance lately. Something that I really want to get under control. So I took action and picked up Push by Chalene Johnson. I have really enjoyed her personality and energy through PiYo workouts and since I have built up and reinforced some bad habits, I figured she was a good place to start. And since today is August 1, that is an even better time to start.

The task for Day 1 was create a list of priorities and then focus on the top three. Once those are set the real work begins: creating a Top Priority Clarity Statement. Here is mine:

My number-one priority is to live a life of balance in which my emotional, physical, spiritual and mental health is not only stable but growing; this will require intentionality in each of these areas as well as adequate boundaries to ensure that I do not become a victim of circumstance or set myself up for failure; reaching out to a form of support and accountability system and core friends will also be necessary and will also contribute to my emotional, physical, spiritual, and mental well-being.

I am ready to be a better me! Who's with me?

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