Monday, January 29, 2007

Going up?

Have you ever felt as if all of the pieces of your life were starting to fall into place only to have it implode? When it comes to work, I thought that things were getting better and I had seen the worst of it. My boss resigned, the acquisition is still waiting for the final OK, and one of my staff members resigned. That I could deal with. My RVP is working on a replacement for my boss, I have no control over the FCC, and I found a wonderful replacement for my department that will start in March and corporate is sending me some help for the interim. Today, the other person on my staff resigned. Yup. It will be a department of one for 2 ½ weeks. I have posted the job and hope to fill it soon, but I have to wonder: is this stressful life as a controller really for me? I understand that this is the path that I've chosen and worked hard to traverse. But is it what I am supposed to be doing? While I enjoy the people I work with and the whole radio environment, I have to ask myself if it is supposed to be this hard. It is emotionally and sometime physically exhausting. I thought that Memphis, being a small market and only having 3 radio stations, would be a good place to cut my teeth as a controller. Now I see that it has been a trial by fire. My first GM left a month after I started, we doubled in size and tripled in work, we did two traffic conversions in four months (one of which was during a format flip), then my second GM and my entire accounting staff resigned within weeks of each other. All I can do is pray for my sanity and hope for no more surprises. It's not in my nature to break but sometimes I just want to give up. On the plus side, my solo Sabbath School teaching went well this week. We studied Enoch, his walk with God, and how we can use Jesus's walk with God as a guide for us. Next week: The Flood.

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