Thursday, August 30, 2007


I consider myself an animal lover. Until last night the only animal that I could not stand was the ferret. This distaste is directly linked to the fact that a ferret did me wrong when I was very young. My mother took me to visit her then boss and I was allowed to hold the weasel like creature. It wasn't long before the beast bit my face and would not let go. I don't remember how we got it to let go, but I do remember that is the day I discovered ferrets are evil. Last night I realized that the red wasp is evil, too. After dropping some tickets off at LadyBoyd's house, a flying insect came up from behind to admire my hair. It was flapping it's wings around my ear and I could see something big out of the corner of my right eye. I tried to swat it away, but that only lead to more flapping and then a sharp sting on my head just above my ear. It felt like I'd been hit in the head with a brick. (Tangent alert: my father has always said that Jethro Tull's "Thick as a Brick" should be my theme song.) I got some Tylnol and advise from the Boyds. By all accounts the red wasp does not have a powerful sting and therefore would wear off shortly. But since things can never be easy, that was not the case. I can only assume that I have a non-life threatening allergy to the red wasp. By the time I picked up my parents from the airport (about 30 minutes later) I had a huge lump on the side of my head and had such sharp pains that my father had to drive home. During the drive I found myself punching the arm rest to get my focus off of the pain. It wasn't until 11p--6 hours after the sting and 2 hours after the hydrocortisone cream application--that I started to feel some relief. I was literally crying out in pain when Mom was moving my hair to apply the hydrocortisone cream and tea tree oil to the sting last night. I also was unable to sleep on my right side due to the tenderness of the area. This morning things are a little better. I no longer have the searing pain that was coming from the sting site. However, there is redness, swelling, and itching on the side of my face around my ear and the general area around the sting is tender to the touch. Hopefully the Allegra and ibuprofen I took this morning will start to help. Consider yourself warned: Red Wasps and Ferrets are evil creatures!


LadyBoyd said...

Oh NO! I had so hoped it would fade... Hubband was stung on the hand and the pain was gone inside an hour. >sigh< He went out after you left and waged war. If its any consolation? His kill count was up to 7 before he stopped counting and just kept spraying...

LadyBoyd said...

THEY ARE FIGHTING BACK! I just had one dive bomb me in my office and after I killed it (the whole room smells of kerosene. cough.choke) and was transporting its corpse to the garbage I saw ANOTHER one in the living room. Im barricading myself in until further notice. With Wasp Killer in hand, you can consider me armed and dangerous.